Alpine Pools

Colorado has a great many scenic locations that are easily accessible. In fact, some places you can literally drive right up to. Other gems take a little more effort to reach. These little alpine pools are a nine mile hike into the heart of the Indian Peaks Wilderness. A bit of a challenge to reach, but unquestionably worth the effort. Right at timberline, these pools sit on a shelf overlooking the rugged contours of the Indian Peaks. This is the kind of stuff I love as a nature photographer.

During the couple of days I spent at this spot, the weather was mostly cloudy, making the good light very elusive. Still, interesting light did appear very briefly, sometimes for just a few seconds at a time, and I tried my best to capture some of those moments. These images are among my favorites from this picturesque place.

Clouds reflecting in an alpine pool at sunset. Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado.
Alpine Pool Sunset

Clouds reflecting in an alpine pool at sunset. Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado. Photo © copyright by Bob Dent.

Cooper Peak reflecting in an alpine pool at sunrise. Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado.
Cooper Peak Reflection

Cooper Peak reflecting in an alpine pool at sunrise. Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado. Photo © copyright by Bob Dent.

A band of clouds reflects in an alpine pool. Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado.
Alpine Pool Cloud Reflection

A band of clouds reflects in an alpine pool. Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado. Photo © copyright by Bob Dent.

Marten Peak reflecting in an alpine pool at sunrise. Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado.
Marten Peak Reflection

Marten Peak reflecting in an alpine pool at sunrise. Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado. Photo © copyright by Bob Dent.

Dark clouds gathered over the Indian Peaks, as seen from an alpine pool at timberline. Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado.
Darkness Over The Indian Peaks

Dark clouds gathered over the Indian Peaks, as seen from an alpine pool at timberline. Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado. Photo © copyright by Bob Dent.

Clouds reflecting in an alpine pool at sunrise. Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado.
Alpine Pool Reflection

Clouds reflecting in an alpine pool at sunrise. Indian Peaks Wilderness, Colorado. Photo © copyright by Bob Dent.